
Unspecified error platinum notes 4
Unspecified error platinum notes 4

Manually restart the snmpd process by executing the "/etc/rc.d/rc.net-snmp restart" command from a command shell at the engine CLI.Īn ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine client application launched via Java Web Start following an upgrade experiences null pointer exceptions or classes not loading. This prevents the SNMP agent from returning the correct version of the engine when this OID is requested.

unspecified error platinum notes 4

This happens because the upgrade scripts update the sysDescr for the engine but do not restart snmpd. Following an upgrade to the ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine engine, the engine's system description is incorrect when viewed in a management application such as ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine web-based application or MIB Tools. profile file for the root user as indicated in the SUSE workaround under the section Making the Change Permanent.ĮxtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine Engine Upgrade. Since this issue affects ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine both during installation and application execution, you should add the environment setting to the. Set the following environment variable in the shell where the java process will be executed: The following workaround was posted on the OpenSuse 10.3 website at This problem stems from a Java compatibility issue with XCB. Java: /xcb_xlib.c:52: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion 'c->xlib.lock' failed The ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine installation fails and displays this error meesage This table displays the Known Restrictions and Limitations for the ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine Suite install, uninstall, and upgrade functionality.

unspecified error platinum notes 4

Policy Manager and ExtremeWireless Controller (EWC).ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine Clients Running Mac OS.ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine Applications.To report an issue not listed in this document, contact Extreme Networks Support. Solutions for these restrictions and limitations are noted, if available. The known restrictions and limitations for the ExtremeCloud IQ - Site Engine 23.04.12 release are listed below.

Unspecified error platinum notes 4